
The site arises from the idea of a group of technicians, companies, professionals from the construction industry and experts in specific areas, of offering a guide and an orientation service. This report begins with the planning phase, in the delicate world of soil consolidation and foundations subsidence, with particular reference to new materials and innovative products, including the technology of the mini piles and the expanding resins.

The essence of the site is the result of the experience and professional paths of individuals, in an industry that over the past decade, has seen major changes in methods and procedures with the use of innovative techniques.

The experience acquired by the technical experts (geologists, geotechnicians, engineers, geometricians) who work with us, has generated over time the idea of creating a reference point, a truly “clearing house ” for ideas , solutions and advices that could be useful to designers , businesses and end users.

Here is born, a site definitely accessible to people working in the construction industry and in need of solving problems related to landslides, foundation settlement, creation of sub-foundations , etc.

This is not a resale site of the projects or materials. It does not intend to be able to solve all the topics; however, through the professionalism and entrepreneurial skills linked to the site, it can offer users a valuable support in three defined areas:

  • Diagnostic and monitoring
  • Design
  • Works execution

The site is continuously evolving, ready to host systems , ideas and solutions , as a showcase of products and / or technologies that vary with the needs, always ready to wink to that system or product that may optimize the resources, the cost and the ease of execution, without ever losing sight of the goal of the work safety and use of sites or buildings to work in.